A vertebral subluxation is when there is a misalignment of one or more of the bones in your spine (vertebrae) and pressure on the spinal nerves. When there is pressure or irritation to the nerves, signals cannot properly get to and from the brain. If there is an interference with signals, you may have issues with the ligaments, organs, discs, bones, and muscles of your body. If you've been feeling under the weather lately and have back pain, you may have a subluxation.
Signs and Symptoms of Vertebral Subluxation
The initial signs of vertebral subluxation may not be obvious to many people. However, if you experience any of the following signs and symptoms, you should make an appointment with a chiropractor, like Moss Chiropractic, to help you determine if they are related to a subluxation.
- Headaches
- Soreness, pain, stiffness and/or tenderness in the back and/or neck
- Significant reduction in spinal mobility
- Dizziness
- Problems with balance
- Pain, tingling or numbness in the extremities (legs/arms)
- Spinal muscle spasms
- Tightness of spinal muscles
- Weakness of spinal muscles
- Joint pain and/or stiffness
- Low energy
- A reduction in the ability to heal the tissues
- Worsening pain in the neck, back, arms, and/or legs
- Urinary incontinence or difficulty controlling your bladder
- Decreased urination
- Difficulty controlling your bowels
Causes of Vertebral Subluxation
Vertebral subluxation can occur at any age, beginning at infancy. The causes of vertebral subluxation are commonly thought to be the result of diseases associated with the aging process, such as osteoarthritis. However toxins, trauma, and stress can bring about subluxations as well.
- Trauma includes major incidents such as car accidents, occupational injuries, fall and/or contact sports. Behaviors and habits can also cause vertebral subluxation, like continuously carrying a heavy bag or purse on the same side of your body, sleeping on your stomach, looking down at a computer monitor, wearing high heels and/or crossing your legs.
- Toxins are not typically an obvious cause of vertebral subluxation; however, when the chemicals in your body are unbalanced, subluxation may occur. Toxins may get into the body through air pollution, chemicals in cleaning supplies, and/or processed foods. The imbalance the chemicals cause may lead to muscle contractions and a change in muscle tone.
- Negative thoughts (stress) are often considered to be the number one cause of vertebral subluxation. Muscles in your upper back and neck become tight when you are stressed.
Treatment for Vertebral Subluxation
Treatment for vertebral subluxation may include a brace, rest, physical therapy, and/or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications for the pain. Chiropractic manipulation is often combined with conservative treatments, such as exercise, stretching, and pain medications. If there is a risk of injury to the spinal cord, a chiropractor may recommend surgery to realign the vertebra.
If you suspect vertebral subluxation, there are home remedies that you can use to help ease the pain and discomfort until you are able to visit your chiropractor. Home remedies may include applying a cold compress to the sore area, resting your back by limiting physical activity, and stretching and range of motion exercises. It is important to note that if home remedies do not help to ease the pain, you should make an appointment for an examination as soon as possible to prevent the risk of further damage to the spine.