When you develop an itchy, flaky rash on your body, you immediately wonder and worry what is going on. So, you head to your dermatologist's office and find out that you have psoriasis, a chronic inflammatory skin condition. As soon as you find out what is causing your discomfort, your primary concern is to figure out how to relieve and treat it. All you need to do next is learn some of those options that are available to you and get started as soon as possible. 

Skin Creams

While psoriasis currently has no cure, there are ways to treat flare-ups and affected patches using topical treatments and skin creams. Steroid creams are quite possibly the most commonly used prescription topical treatment for psoriasis.

These steroid-based creams can drastically reduce the inflammation and the itching associated with your psoriasis. Steroid creams are also used to prevent the psoriasis patches from continuing to grow or spread, helping to clear up those flare-ups faster. 

Other skin creams are also available including a vitamin D cream, salicylic acid, and other prescription medicated creams that work to improve the health of skin and treat psoriasis symptoms. Many of these skin creams are used in conjunction with steroid-based skin creams to treat major flare-ups that need additional treatments. 

New Targeted Antibody Therapies

Recent clinical trials are showing that some targeted antibody therapies may be effective at treating psoriasis as well. The idea behind this treatment option is to treat psoriasis from inside the body rather than waiting for symptoms to flare up and to treat it topically. 

Antibody treatments are designed to target and block the production of a specific protein inside the body that contributes to psoriasis. Specifically, it targets a signal known as interleukin-23, which causes an immune response in the body and is partly responsible for psoriasis flare-ups. 

Because the clinical trial showed dramatically positive results in psoriasis patients, it sets a precedent for possible immunosuppressive drug treatments to manage psoriasis and keep symptom flare-ups at bay for entire adult lifetimes in the future. While still in development, targeted antibody therapies appear to be the future of psoriasis treatment options.

Psoriasis is an uncomfortable skin disorder that can be difficult to deal with. However, with strong prescription topical treatments as well as a future of targeted immunosuppressive drug treatment options, you will be able to treat and possibly even prevent flare-ups effectively going forward. The field of dermatology focuses research on finding new and improved treatments and preventive measure for a myriad of skin disorders including psoriasis. So, get to the dermatologist (go to http://desertdermatology.net/ for more info) for treatment right away, and be sure to keep updated on future treatment options.  
