Inflammation will promote and extend the affects of arthritis. If you don't know about the connection between inflammation and arthritis, then you likely are not doing enough to prevent your arthritis from worsening. The foods you eat can either counteract or promote inflammation, so you should adjust your diet with this in mind. While pain killers may mask pain, they do not do enough to relieve inflammation. There are, however, supplements you can take to help slow inflammation and decrease the advance of arthritis. 

Foods to Avoid

Arthritis is a term that describes joint pain and damage. As for what causes this damage, the food you eat may be one culprit. Some food can actually promote damage to joints. For example, research has shown that sugar can contribute to joint damage. The problem is that sugar can cause inflammation of the joints, and your body's natural response to inflammation is to send fibrin to the affected areas. Fibrin is what scar tissue is composed of, but as your body deposits more and fibrin in joints, the deposits can cause joint pain and damage. Thus, you should seek to limit the amount of sugary foods that you consume in order to preserve joint health. 

Bromelain Reduces Inflammation

While seeking to reduce your consumption of foods that cause inflammation can be helpful, you should also consider adding anti-inflammatory supplements to your diet. For example, taking a bromelain supplement can help to reduce inflammation and promote joint health. Taking such a supplement means that you don't have to completely eliminate sugar from your diet because it will help to reduce inflammation from the foods you eat. 

Glucosamine Reduces Joint Damage

While reducing inflammation can slow down joint damage, your body will naturally wear down simply through the jarring movements of daily life. Thus, you will want to do something to strengthen your joints. Taking glucosamine can help to support healthy joint tissue and slow down joint damage. Studies have even shown that people who take glucosamine end up needing fewer joint-replacement surgeries than people who don't take it. 

When you discover that you have arthritis, you should not rely solely on pain killers and NSAIDs to relieve the pain. There are many steps that you can take to slow the advance of arthritis and preserve the proper function of your joints. If you want to know more about what you can do to cope with arthritis and joint pain, you should consult with an arthritis specialist. They should be able to provide advice about how to adjust your diet and what supplements to take to make your joint pain more manageable. 
