If your child is suffering from frequent ear infections, your earth, nose, and throat (ENT) may suggest that you have tubes inserted into your child's ears. The tubes help open a path up to the eardrum so that fluid is able to flow more freely, alleviating the pressure caused by multiple ear infections. Here are a few things that you need to know about ear tubes.
1. Ear Tubes Aren't Just for Kids
Though children are the most common recipients of ear tubes, there are some adults who choose to have ear tubes put in. Kids get ear tubes at a higher frequency because their ears are smaller and more likely to get clogged. However, adults can also suffer from reoccurring ear infections. If the ENT physician believes the adult will benefit from having more space in the ear, tubes are a viable option.
2. Ear Tubes Can Help Improve Your Child's Speech
Some children have so many ear infections that it actually harms their speech. When the ears are clogged during an active infection, this makes it difficult for the child to hear surrounding sounds, including words. Children have to be able to hear speech in order to learn how to talk. The child's speech may be delayed simply because the child cannot hear the words and sounds required to speak.
3. The Procedure to Insert the Ear Tubes is a Quick and Simple Surgery
When it is time for your child's ear tube surgery, knowing that the procedure is quick, easy, and relatively painless may alleviate some of the anxiety you are experiencing about the procedure.
After your child receives general anesthesia, the ENT physician cuts a hole in the in the eardrum and removes any fluid. The doctor then puts the tubes in the ears to complete the procedure. From start to finish, the whole surgery takes to 10 to 15 minutes. Your child can usually go back home the same day of the procedure.
Children are able to resume their normal activities the day after surgery.
4. Ear Tubes are Not Permanent
As your child's ears grow, this shifts the tubes out of the eardrum. Usually, the tubes dislodge and simply fall of your child's ears. If your ENT specialist believes the tubes are no longer necessary, they can be removed in-office,
Usually, tubes remain in place for anywhere from a few months to several years. If the tubes fall amount too early, another surgery may be required to insert new tubes into the ears. To learn more, contact a company like Surgery Center of Kenai.