If you are considering a medical abortion, you probably feel nervous, uneasy, and a bit overwhelmed. You think this is the right choice for you, but there is just so much information to consider! Whether you choose to go through with the abortion or to continue the pregnancy is completely up to you, but you do want to make sure you're basing your decision on facts, rather than myths. Here are three myths about medical abortion that are simply not true.
Myth 1: Medical abortion is terribly painful.
You may have heard rumors that medical abortion, which is abortion induced by medication, is extremely painful and horrible to go through. It's true that the process will result in some discomfort. Your uterus will contract to expel the fetal tissues, much like it would contact during menstruation. This will lead to some cramping and pains similar to mild labor pains. However, the discomfort should not be excruciating, and it should not last more than a few hours before subsiding. You can manage the pain with over-the-counter pain relievers. It won't be any worse than the pain of a natural miscarriage.
Myth 2: Medical abortion will keep you from getting pregnant in the future.
Undergoing a medical abortion will affect your hormone levels, potentially for a few months after the procedure. However, your body will soon re-adjust its hormone levels, just as it would after a natural pregnancy or a miscarriage. Undergoing a medical abortion now should not keep you from becoming pregnant in the future if you choose to do so. This myth may have arisen from the fact that many women who choose medical abortions are young and fertile. They do not try again to become pregnant until they are much older, at which time their fertility has decreased naturally -- but not as a result of the abortion.
Myth 3: You can get "the abortion pill" from the pharmacy on your own.
This myth probably results from women confusing the medical abortion pill with the emergency contraceptive pill. Emergency contraceptive prevents you from becoming pregnant when you take it just after sex. The abortion pill terminates an existing pregnancy. Contraceptive pills are available without a prescription at the pharmacy, but to get a medical abortion, you need to see your OBGYN and have the pill prescribed to you.
If you have any additional questions about medical abortions, talk to a medical office like Aaron Women’s Center Houston.