Football is a great sport and one that can help a teen move on from high school to college and even professional ball. However, injuries are very common, and a shot to the groin may cause serious damage and low testosterone that can be very troubling. As a result, low-t treatments may be a great option for teens in this situation. 

A Groin Shot May Cause Low Testosterone

Playing football in high school is a competitive experience and is often rough on a young person's body. This problem can be particularly an issue if a young man takes a shot to the groin – for example, they may get tackled too hard and damaged here. Though a cup or athletic supporter will help to protect against much damage, there is a chance that damage may still occur and cause issues.

For example, a serious enough injury could cause a lower level of testosterone – a problem that may rob a young man of energy, vitality, and much more. Even worse, they may end up having a hard time having children when they get older or may even develop feminine traits. As a result, low-t treatments may be a good option for a teen who took a very brutal shots to the groin during a football game.

How Low-T Treatments Help

Low-t treatments are designed to carefully introduce testosterone into a person's body and help restore their normal hormonal balance. Treatments vary depending on a teen's needs and may include all-natural testosterone or synthetic version. In a majority of cases, natural or naturally-simulated hormones are preferred because they are easier for the body to accept.

Most types of low-t treatments go slowly – though not too slow – and introduce testosterone back to a person's body in a controlled manner. The idea here is to help build up their tolerance of these chemicals and to slowly bring them back to normal. In this way, a teenager can find their strength, stamina, and other elements of their physical health return more effectively.

So if you or someone you know is a teenager with low testosterone, you may want to consider this type of treatment. A variety of professionals can provide this type of care – some general doctors may have the ability to provide this treatment, though specialists are often necessary to ensure that progress goes smoothly and that no other issues occur during treatment.
