If you pick up prescriptions at a drugstore, you might limit your interaction to dropping off your prescription and picking up your medication. Since pharmacists are highly knowledgeable professionals, they can answer a lot of your questions. Below are some discussions you could have with your pharmacist. 

Ask About Contradictions Between Medications

Pharmacists are well-trained on how medications interact and can help keep you safe when you add new medications to your current regime. While your doctor prescribing medications should also check contradictions, the pharmacist has an added benefit of easily looking up your medication history if you get your prescriptions filled at the same pharmacy. Additionally, a pharmacist can let you know if over-the-counter medications you are considering may interact poorly with each other or with prescription medications. 

Get Assistance With Over-the-counter Solutions

Sometimes you don't feel well, but don't need a doctor. In these cases, a pharmacist can help guide you in self-medicating simple medical issues. For example, a pharmacist can advise you on the best anti-itch creams for a rash or they can suggest medication to help your particular symptoms when you have a cold. A pharmacist may also recommend you visit a doctor if your symptoms seem too severe for over-the-counter care. 

Better Understand Your Medication

A pharmacist can take the time to explain how your medication works and the best way to take it. This can vary from suggesting whether to take medication before or after eating to demonstrating how to use certain medical devices. Your pharmacist may be able to help you learn how to use your inhaler or how to safely inject certain medications. They can also perform certain injections such as vaccines and some prescribed medications if you are unable to or uncomfortable doing so. 

Ask for an Alternative Delivery Method

If you have trouble swallowing pills or hate the taste of certain medications, you can ask your pharmacist if they are able to mix a suspension for you. Pharmacists may offer different consistencies and flavors to make medication easier to take, especially for young children or people who have issues swallowing pills. 

Get Some General Health Tips 

Pharmacists can also give you general health advice. They may take your weight and blood pressure, recommend levels of activity, and give you advice on general supplements that might support your health. 

While you need to see a doctor when you have a serious medical issue, you should not discount the value of your drugstore pharmacy. Their experience can help you in many areas of healthcare. 
