If you constantly stay bloated or full of gas, seek a stomach doctor today. Many adults can experience bloating or gassiness at some point in their lives. The feeling of being bloated usually goes away with over-the-counter medication. However, some adults can stay bloated, even after they take medications for it. The individuals may require treatment from a stomach doctor. Learn why some adults stay bloated and how a stomach doctor can help you treat it below.
What Does Bloated Mean?
When gas builds up inside the stomach, it causes a condition known as abdominal bloating. When air builds up inside the small and large intestines, doctors refer to it as intestinal bloating. Adults can experience one or both types of bloating over time.
Bloating occurs from many things, including swallowing too much air or consuming too much food in a single sitting. Conditions, such as constipation and Crohn's disease, can also make you feel bloated. The conditions make it difficult for the stomach or intestines to break down food once it enters the body.
The symptoms of bloating can vary from person to person. However, people who stay bloated often complain of stomach pain and gas. The individuals may also experience a feeling of fullness in their stomachs. The stomach or abdomen may feel round and hard to the touch as well.
You may take antacids and other over-the-counted, or OTC, medications to treat your symptoms. The medications may only relieve some of your symptoms. If your OTC medications fail to work all the time, see a stomach doctor soon.
How Can a Stomach Doctor Treat You?
A stomach doctor, or gastroenterologist, will need to examine you before they can diagnose or find the cause of your bloating. As mentioned above, some conditions can cause abdominal and intestinal bloating over time. The conditions may not be apparent until a doctor discovers them.
A stomach physician may need to perform a gastroscopy on you soon. A gastroscopy examines the contents, condition, and health of your stomach and intestines. The test looks for ulcers in your stomach lining and blockages in your small intestine. The test also looks for pockets of air in your stomach and small intestine.
If a doctor suspects a problem with your large intestine, they'll perform a colonoscopy on you. A colonoscopy helps diagnose cancer and other problems within the large intestine.
If your tests reveal a problem with your stomach or intestines, a doctor will schedule additional tests for you. A doctor will use the results of the tests to treat you accordingly.
If the tests above don't reveal any serious issues with your health, a doctor will prescribe you special medications to treat your bloating. The medications may contain ingredients that reduce gas after you eat or perform another activity.
Learn more about bloating and how to treat it by contacting a doctor today.